Needs By the Numbers and Why It's Important

75%+ of all caregivers are women
44% of caregivers live in households under twice the federal poverty level

65% children live below the poverty line in single female households

38% families in Columbus with single-mom households

Female-headed households are 5 times more likely to be poor than married couples
950,000 children live in single-family households
$24,968 – median income for single-mother families

Ohio ranks 6th nationwide in caregiver population

Caregiver Wellness

  • Unpaid family caregiving for more than 20 hours a week results in impaired self-care, increased depression, psychological distress, and worse self-reported health [Maastricht University (2018)]

  • 15% of caregivers have 14 or more mentally unhealthy days a month

  • 18% of caregivers have 14 or more physically unhealthy days a month

  • 37% of caregivers reported get insufficient sleep

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